Submitting Folders/Documents for Review

Submitting Folders/Documents for Review

When your documents are signed, including the DW required forms and addenda, you are ready to submit the folder to the Compliance Team for review.  Contracts, Listing Agreements & Addenda are required within 48 hours of execution.

Note:  The Compliance Team does not have visibility to your documents or folders if you do not submit them for review.  This is a very important step of the process to ensure your documents are reviewed timely & your CDA is signed prior to closing.  Agents can submit their CDAs 10 days prior to closing as long as the Listing Docs (if applicable) and the Initial Offer Package Docs folders are complete.

 1. Click on “SUBMIT FOR REVIEW” in the upper right corner of the page:

2. Check the box or boxes next to the folder(s) you are submitting for review:

4. Click “SUBMIT

5. The documents will change from “NOT SUBMITTED” to “NEEDS REVIEW” and folder status will state “NEEDS REVIEW”.

This way the Compliance Team can alert you to any missing initials, signatures, addenda, etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you see “NOT SUBMITTED”, “NOT SHARED” or “PDF” - this should alert you to submit the folder to the Compliance Team.  This pertains to all folders and documents.

VERY IMPORTANT:  Please ensure you are reading the notes from the Compliance Team if your folder status is changed to "WARNING" or "RETURNED TO AGENT".  These statuses require you to take action so your CDA is processed timely!  Please see "Reviewing Your Notes in Dotloop" for more information.

Please reach out to Support if you have any questions or need any assistance:

Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 7:00pm
Sat. & Sun. 12:00pm – 5:00pm

Phone:  727-914-9174


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