Reviewing Your Notes in Dotloop

Reviewing Your Notes in Dotloop

When you submit your folders & documents for review to the Compliance Team and they change the status of your folder to:

RETURNED TO AGENT – requires action from you!  Folders are returned for the following:
-Listing Agreement – missing Phil’s initials on the arbitration line or dispute resolution section.
-Executed Contract – missing seller or buyer initials or signatures.
-Executed Lease – missing tenant or landlord initials or signatures.
-CDA – missing your signature or all boxes are not filled in.
-Property Record – missing from Listing Docs or Initial/Offer Docs folder.
-Commission Rebate/Waiver Authorization form – missing or not signed by Phil.
-MLS Status Change form – missing Phil’s signature.
*If your folder is returned please review the notes ASAP.  A folder that is in RETURNED TO AGENT status will hold up your CDA from being processed.

NOTATIONS/FYI/INFO – Compliance is providing feedback on your documents – no action needed.

WARNING/CHANGES:  SEE IMPORTANT NOTES – requires action from you.  Folders are changed to this status for the following – these are just some examples – please read the notes:
-Addenda not signed by both parties,.
-ABA Disclosure – not signed by seller or buyer (this is a RESPA compliance issue)
-Dalton Wade Brokerage Documents – missing or not signed by the seller or buyer.
-Lead Paint Disclosure – missing initials, signatures, not filled out.

The Compliance Team will always provide notes for folders being returned or if a warning is issued.  You can review the notes 1 of 2 ways.

1. Open your loop

-Click on the blue notes icon in upper right corner:

The Compliance Review Notes box will open – you can read the notes sent:

2. Click on the “Activity Log”:

This is another way for you to review the notes:

Please do not reply to the notes sent to you through Dotloop.  The messages are not monitored and will not be responded to.  If you have any questions regarding your notes please reach out to the Support Team.


We are here to help!


Dalton Wade Support Team
Phone: 727-914-9174
Hours: Mon. – Fri. – 9am – 5pm & Sat. & Sun. – 12pm – 5pm

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