Tennessee MLS currently doesn't connect to Dotloop with interactive forms like most other MLS groups. Because of that, you will need to fill out forms in the Transaction Desk (through MLS) and then upload them to Dotloop, where you can submit your forms to our compliance department for review and broker signatures. Follow along as Mary shows you how to do this!
Log into your tnRealtor.com account, scroll toward the bottom of the
home screen and click "Go" under Forms/TransactionDesk to access your
the menu on the left side of your screen, click on "Forms" then click
the type of transaction you're working with (probably 2024 TAR
Residential Forms):
click on the form you need. It's easiest to find it based on the form
number (for example, RF 102). The forms are in numerical order:
Then name your file and choose the type of transaction it is. Click "create":
out the form by clicking in the gray form fields and typing. You can
either send it to your client for signatures from TransactionDesk, or
you can download them now and send them for signatures in Dotloop.
Regardless of when you put them into Dotloop, you will need to download
them from TransactionDesk by hovering over the file icon at the top left
of the icon options, then click "Save as PDF":
the document to your computer. Now log into Dotloop and create a loop
by clicking +Loop at the top right of your screen. Then you'll need to
name your loop, choose the type of transaction it is from the drop-down
menu, bypass adding a photo, then click "view loop":
the form placeholder you need to upload a form to. So if I need to
upload the Compensation Agreement, I'll scroll down and find it grayed
out. Hover over the word "Required" or "Optional" to the left of the
document placeholder, and. click "Add File":
choose the file from your computer and upload it. Now you'll see the
document is in the placeholder, and is ready for review! Once you've
uploaded a document to EVERY Required placeholder, you can click "Submit
for Review" at the top right of your screen:
will now be able to get your documents signed by the broker and review
everything for errors. They will leave you notes in the chat bubble icon
next to each document so you can see if there are any changes needed.
That's it! Please watch the video tutorial for more clarification, and email Mary at
mary@daltonwade.com for a 1x1 tutorial.