Archiving/Unarchiving documents and folders

Archiving/Unarchiving documents and folders

FYI you can not archive required documents without help from admin

1. Log into Dotloop

2. Open loop which you wish to work in

3. To archive documents or folders, locate the file or folder you wish to archive

4. Click on the three dots to the right of document or folder name to access the drop down menu

5. If a document or folder is able to be archived the word archive will appear in blue. If not it will appear in grey and you will need help from admin/support (

6. Simply click the blue archive button and you’re all set. Folder or document will be archived and hidden from view.


7. To view archived folders and documents click the show archived button near the top right of your screen

8. Archived files and folders will show up in light grey rather than black

9. Click the three dots to the right of the file or folder name to see the drop down menu as you did to archive initially

10. Click unarchive

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