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    • Announcements

    • 2021 As-Is contract updates and changes

      New Contract Resources Links/Guides   Webinar: Changes to the Contract (from Florida REALTORS®) Webinar: Highlights of 2021 Changes to the Florida Realtors/Florida Bar AS IS Contract - YouTube Copy of PowerPoint Presentation from(Florida REALTORS®) Webinar:

      • Recent Articles

      • kvCORE Training & Helpful Links

        Here's the link to watch the recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/3VGPWMI8fdA_NjTI_yV176OgvW5wQGMKQJR6efncQhTQkz7vFPG5YogEFtHbycEz.i1f86uPYt38t9rWx Passcode: G*.0$5sZ Slide Deck Used During Presentation: ...
      • How to Fix Facebook Removing You As an Admin of Your Own Page (Paradym Issue)

        Paradym has come out with instructions for users having issues connecting Facebook and Instagram to Paradym as of February 2024. These instructions are available in their own Knowledge Base, which you can access here. How to Fix Facebook Removing You ...
      • Cannot Connect Paradym Account to Instagram

        Paradym has come out with instructions for connecting to Instagram as of February 2024. These instructions are available in their own Knowledge Base, which you can access here. Linking Facebook and Instagram For Some Users as of February 2024 These ...
      • Paradym (Social Media) Training

        Paradym Training is currently hosted every other week at 11:00 a.m. EST. To attend a class, please click here. Can't make it to a live session? View our on demand training below. ...
      • How to Get the Open House Connect and REDX Lists

        We are changing up how our REDX and Open House Connect lists are distributed. Going forward, the list will be available on our website here: https://joindaltonwade.com/open-house-connect-redx/ (Feel free to bookmark it!) You will need a login (your ...